戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 - HKH Spring Buds Font Agreement -戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 - Installation and Use: You may install and use this font on your computer and use it in non-commercial projects.戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 - Reproduction and Distribution: You may not reproduce and distribute any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 - Restrictions on Alteration: You may not rename, edit or create any derivative works from the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 Free for personal use ONLY.戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯 If you want to use this font for commercial use, including non-profit, please use contact: haikuume@gmail.com to purchase a license from me.戼⁲㸯 戼⁲㸯