Dropled Font

Designers Note

This Demo Version font just for PERSONAL USE ONLY! You have the right to use font in
your personal use work ( work where you are not paid for your service, and where there is
no monetary benefit to any party as a result of using the font ) but any donation are very
appreciated to my paypal [email protected]
link to purchase FULL VERSION and standard COMMERCIAL License:
Visit my store for more great fonts and freebies at

Character Map

character map

File Contents

File nameFile sizeFile typeOptions
Read Me!.pdf 43 KB PDF view
Preview.jpg 546 KB Image view
Dropled.otf 67 KB Font File download

Font Details

Designer Name: Andika Setiawan
Font License: Free for Personal Use
Website: https://www.dikasstudio.com
Commercial License: https://dikasstudio.com/dropled/

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