Capoon Fuente

Nota De Los Diseñadores

Capoon is a sleek sans-serif typeface family in ten styles.

It is drawn by Måns Grebäck during 2017 and 2018.
The curves and wideness of the glyphs gives the type a fast and confident character.

The family consists of five weights, and each weight as italic:
Capoon Thin, Capoon Light, Capoon Medium, Capoon Bold and Capoon Black
Capoon is a high-quality font with hundreds of glyphs and support for all major European and Latin-based languages.

Mapa De Caracteres

Mapa de caracteres

Contenido Del Archivo

nombre del archivotamaño del archivotipoopciones
CapoonBold_PERSONAL.ttf 100 KB Font File descargar
CapoonThin_PERSONAL.ttf 160 KB Font File descargar
CapoonMedi_PERSONAL.ttf 108 KB Font File descargar
CapoonThinIt_PERSONAL.ttf 101 KB Font File descargar
CapoonBlacIt_PERSONAL.ttf 81 KB Font File descargar
CapoonMediIt_PERSONAL.ttf 82 KB Font File descargar
CapoonBoldIt_PERSONAL.ttf 79 KB Font File descargar
CapoonLigh_PERSONAL.ttf 127 KB Font File descargar
img - Folder  
img/capoon_poster02.png 358 KB Image ver
img/capoon_poster03.png 358 KB Image ver
img/capoon_flag.png 222 KB Image ver
img/capoon_poster01.png 441 KB Image ver
CapoonBlac_PERSONAL.ttf 93 KB Font File descargar
CapoonLighIt_PERSONAL.ttf 88 KB Font File descargar

Detalles De Fuente

Nombre del diseñador: Måns Grebäck
Licencia de fuente: Gratis para uso personal
Sitio web:
Licencia Comercial:

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