Shake And Bake Fuente

Nota De Los Diseñadores

This font is freeware for non-profit use ONLY.

This excludes use without a license fee and use for commercial production requires a license fee of $20.00 U.S. Dollars be paid to the designer, Jason Arthur.

Please see font license included with zip file for commercial usage.

If you enjoy my fonts and would like to help keep my foundry alive so I can make more FREE fonts please donate to my PayPal account: [email protected]

Even just ONE DOLLAR makes a huge difference and allows me to make more fonts! Thanks!

Mapa De Caracteres

Mapa de caracteres

Contenido Del Archivo

nombre del archivotamaño del archivotipoopciones
JibbaJabba_License.rtf 3 KB unknown  
ShakeAndBake-itl.otf 29 KB Font File descargar
__MACOSX - Folder  
__MACOSX/._ShakeAndBake.otf 120 B Font File descargar
__MACOSX/._ShakeAndBake-itl.otf 120 B Font File descargar
__MACOSX/._ReadMeFirst.txt 167 B Text File ver
ReadMeFirst.txt 817 B Text File ver
ShakeAndBake.otf 28 KB Font File descargar

Detalles De Fuente

Nombre del diseñador: JibbaJabba Fonts
Licencia de fuente: Gratis para uso personal

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