Nesdate October Ten Police

  • Nesdate October Ten -
    Dans : Serif
    Nesdate October Ten par Situjuh Nazara  11,621 Téléchargers

Note Des Concepteurs

The Nesdate October Ten is a simple, yet striking typeface. The letters have a good readability with a classic style.

It comes in two weights; regular and italic, which makes it perfect for various designing needs.

Table Des Caractères

table des caractères

Contenu Du Fichier

nom de fichiertaille du fichiertypeoptions
Nesdate October Ten Font by Situjuh (7NTypes)_2.png 1 MB Image view
Nesdate October Ten Font by Situjuh (7NTypes)_1.png 58 KB Image view
Read Me.txt 662 B Text File view
Nesdate October Ten Font by Situjuh (7NTypes)_3.png 352 KB Image view
Nesdate October Ten Font by Situjuh (7NTypes)_D.otf 27 KB Font File Télécharger

Détails De La Police

Nom du concepteur: Situjuh Nazara
Licence de polices: Gratuit pour un usage personnel
Licence commerciale:

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