Nineveh Regular Police

Note Des Concepteurs

nineveh regular 1.0

My intention was to create a kind of cuniform. Therefore, sizes of small and capital font series are the same, but the distance between the each fonts in the two series are different. Small-font serie have the fonts no same distance between them, a little bit more "hand-cuniform writing" like. Capital font serie have between the fonts more or less the same distance between each font, the image of the writing is more ordered.
You can find basic punctuation marks, except multiplication sign, (use X instead), @ and &, which I mean, misbecome the cuniform.

Table Des Caractères

table des caractères

Contenu Du Fichier

nom de fichiertaille du fichiertypeoptions
nineveh regular - Folder  
nineveh regular/Thumbs.db 5 KB unknown  
nineveh regular/nineveh regular.png 26 KB Image view
nineveh regular/nineveh-regular-1.0.otf 36 KB Font File Télécharger
nineveh regular/nineveh regular.txt 621 B Text File view

Détails De La Police

Nom du concepteur: l'invisible
Licence de polices: Gratuit pour un usage personnel

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