Bernadette Rough Font
Nota Dei ProgettistiThis font is free for PERSONAL USE ONLY! If you need to use the special alternate glyphs, you'll need to access the glyphs panel on Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign. But if you want to get a commercial license, it’s available at: http://www.stereo-type.fr The commercial version contains a wide set of alternate glyphes and contextual ligatures to create your own style! You’ll be also able to edit PDF files with the font embedded. 80 alternate glyphs and ligature ! Will it be enough to create your very own style ? And it’s not over, the commercial version comes with a complete clean version ! I made it with love, so I hope you’ll love to use it ! Clement | StereoType Mappa CaratteriContenuto Del File
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