Charpentier Renaissance Font

  • Charpentier Renaissance -
    in : Serif
    Charpentier Renaissance di Ingo Zimmermann  12,596 downloads

Nota Dei Progettisti

ingoFonts can be downloaded gratis. Free. For test.
Here's the catch:
The ingoFonts offered here contain only a reduced font.
That means, the font only consists of uppercase and lowercase from A to Z or rather, a to z.
The complete font including numbers, umlauts, punctuations and especially the ligatures is only available with your order and your cash directly on

Mappa Caratteri

Mappa caratteri

Contenuto Del File

nome del filedimensionegenereopzioni
AGB_License_EULA.rtf 7 KB unknown  
CharpentierRenRed-DemiObl.ttf 45 KB Font File download
visit_ingofonts.webloc 97 B unknown  
CharpentierRenRed-Oblique.ttf 47 KB Font File download
Charpentier_Renaissance.pdf 852 KB PDF view
CharpentierRenRed-Normal.otf 21 KB Font File download
CharpentierRenRed-DemiObl.otf 21 KB Font File download
CharpentierRenRed-Oblique.otf 20 KB Font File download
CharpentierRenRed-Normal.ttf 52 KB Font File download
CharpentierRenRed-Demi.otf 21 KB Font File download
CharpentierRenRed-Demi.ttf 49 KB Font File download

Dettagli Carattere

Nome designer: Ingo Zimmermann
Licenza per font: Demo
Sito web:
Licenza commerciale:

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