DK Buntaro Font

Nota Dei Progettisti

I am reading a great book by David Mitchell, called Number 9 Dream. One of the characters is called Buntaro, so I decided to call my new inky font after him. Like the book, Buntaro is quite unusual: it has no real baseline, comes with some strange characters, feels familiar, but surprises you nonetheless. It was made with a broken bamboo satay-skewer, Chinese ink and a lot of patience. Buntaro comes with a wealth of diacritics.

Mappa Caratteri

Mappa caratteri

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Hanoded Fonts License & FAQ - DO READ.pdf 37 KB PDF view
Buntaro-Poster-1.png 52 KB Image view
DK Buntaro.otf 82 KB Font File download

Dettagli Carattere

Nome designer: Hanoded
Licenza per font: Demo
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