Sunbreath Font
Nota Dei ProgettistiYou can use it on personal or single commercial project with Standard License. If you would like to use this set for items for sale you have to buy Extended License. If you liked it, please, visit my stores: https://creativemarket.com/Jazwinska https://thehungryjpeg.com/katsia-jazwinska/ Here’s where you can download more of my fonts and graphics, send me a message, report problems or suggestions, express your gratitude and keep the fonts coming. You can download a PRO version including roman and cyrillic typeface and special glyphs here https://creativemarket.com/Jazwinska/524753-Sunbreath-Pro-BONUS%21%21%21 Many thanks, Katsia Jazwinska Mappa CaratteriContenuto Del File
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