Nickname Font

Designers Note

What’s your nickname?

I guess we all have had some kind of nickname...some of us even still has!
This font is called Nickname, and you can nickname it whatever you please...maybe nicknames like playful or funky comes to mind?!
The font Nickname comes with extended language support as well as ligatures for double letters - and that goes for all seven different versions of the font! Yes SEVEN different versions! Mix and match to get that authentic handmade feeling ... well, since the font IS handmade, all you need to do is play around with the different versions! :)

Shareware version:

Character Map

character map

File Contents

File nameFile sizeFile typeOptions
pizzadudedotdk.txt 551 B Text File view
Nickname DEMO.otf 58 KB Font File download

Font Details

Designer Name: Pizzadude
Font License: Free for Personal Use
Commercial License:

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