Katarina Stacked Fonte

Nota Dos Designers

By installing or using this font, you are agreeing to the Product Usage Agreement:
This font is ONLY for PERSONAL USE. NO COMMERCIAL USE ALLOWED! if you want to have the commercial version you can get it here:

-> https://jimtypestudio.com/product/katarina/

Get new font:

-> https://jimtypestudio.com/shop

Freebie commercial use font:

-> https://jimtypestudio.com/product-category/freebie/

Or you can contact us directly:
[email protected]

Best regards

Mapa De Caracteres

mapa de caracteres

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READ FIRST - Personal Use License Details.pdf 161 KB PDF view
Personal Use Font - Folder  
Personal Use Font/Katarina-DEMO-FONT!.ttf 54 KB Font File Baixar

Detalhes Da Fonte

Nome do designer: Jimtype Studio
Tipo De Licença: Grátis para uso pessoal
Website: https://jimtypestudio.com
Licença comercial: https://jimtypestudio.com/product/katarina/

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