KG Teacher Helpers Fonte

Nota Dos Designers

This font was created by Kimberly Geswein.
It is for personal use only. If you wish to use it commercially I ask for
a one-time US $5 paypal payment to Kimberly at [email protected]

Paying the commercial license fee gives you unlimited usage of this
font for your t-shirts, advertisements, websites, whatever you wish!

For non-profit and/or non-commercial usage-- as long as your
stuff is not racist, hateful, or anti-Christian, you are free to use it as
you wish!

Mapa De Caracteres

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Conteúdo Do Arquivo

nome do arquivotamanhotipoopções
kgteacherhelperguide.pdf 258 KB PDF view
KGTeacherHelpersMap.pdf 50 KB PDF view
KG-TOU.txt 677 B Text File view
KGTeacherHelpers.ttf 23 KB Font File Baixar

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