Zephyrush Fonte

Nota Dos Designers

Zephyrush Handwritten Font can be use for various project such as photography, watermark, social media posts, advertisements, logos & branding, invitation, product designs, label, stationery, wedding designs, product packaging, special events or anything that need handwriting taste

Donation Link : http://bit.ly/youthlabsdonation


see the full version in this link


Mapa De Caracteres

mapa de caracteres

Conteúdo Do Arquivo

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Zephyrush Free.otf 164 KB Font File Baixar

Detalhes Da Fonte

Nome do designer: Youthlabs Studio
Tipo De Licença: Demo
Website: https://creativemarket.com/youthlabs
Licença comercial: https://crmrkt.com/z2JRjM

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